Apple iPad Pro
So I've been using the iPad pro for some time now, and it's time for my full written review. Let's go!
First things first,'s big and heavy like all other reviewers have stated. The body? It's slim, and big. 6.9mm is nice, any thinner...and we might not have these great specs we have. It weighs 1.5lbs, and you will know it while using it. This thing is massive, and there is no other way to put it. BUT, it's not to overwhelming when used with keyboard. That makes it feel more like a real laptop, and that is a good thing. Can it replay my laptop, well...we shall see. It's still too soon to say.

Button placement. It's kind of wrong I wanna say, and should not be so far up at the top. I understand this is the first generation model, so this needs to be fixed in the next model.
3D Touch. Where is it? Apple! Where is force to touch? This is your latest technology, and you didn't include it with your newest tablet. Wow! Enough said.

It runs iOS 9.1 out of the box, and it runs great. Like really great! During my time of using this device, I have had no issues what so ever. I mean none. I know there are some issues with the device needing a reboot after charging to get it started, but I hope you don't have to go through that. While it's not that big of a deal, it is still an issue that Apple will fix in an update.
There are not a lot of apps that are made directly for the iPad Pro yet, but again the apps do look good. But I want more of my primary apps to be formatted for the big screen. (Work on this Apple, please and thank you.)
It's loaded with all the options you need to connect. WiFi Dual band; LTE or WiFi models; GPS; Bluetooth 4.0; hotspot; NFC. I have the 128GB LTE model.
Memory sizes are 32GB WiFi, 128GB WiFi, and 128GB LTE Unlocked, and carriers have the 128GB LTE model as well. You can pick the one you like best!
It still has the fingerprint reader, but it's feels so silly on this big device to be honest. It's like it just doesn't belong on here, or at least not at the bottom of the device. It you are looking that option, it's still here. Just weird that is all. When you buy it, you will see what I mean.
I'm now gonna answer the questions you might be thinking about.

32gb WiFi is $799 plus your local taxes
128gb WiFi is $949 plus your local taxes
128gb LTE model is $1079 plus your local taxes
Is it worth those prices in my opinion, NOPE! Way too high. Here is how I would price them. WiFi models as followed. 32gb - $699, 64gb - $799, 128gb - $899, LTE models all $120 on top of the prices listed above. What do you think?

The pencil that apple said was stupid years back? Well, they ate those words now. While I will not be buying it, and don't see any use for might be for you. If you are an artist, or can hold a steady hand...get it, I guess. (That's all I have to say about that.)
My final thoughts are this. Over all, I am going to say it is a very nice device. If you are looking for just a big tablet, don't buy this one. Go look at some android devices, and you will find them priced a lot better. They will work just as good for gaming, and basic web surfing and things like that. Don't spend this much money just to have an iPad that is not going to give you the monies worth. You won't find it here. For me! I'm gonna get my monies worth, because I travel and need a hybrid like this. With the Logitech keyboard I bought, it's an amazing option for not carrying around a laptop. This can do the things a tablet can do, and it can do some things my laptop can do. Not very many, but when I travel...I try to keep it basic. So this device works for me. Creating word docs, typing notes on the go, etc. It can do some things, but it's no where close to being a replacement for my laptop at all. I need plug and play things, and this one requires an adapter for all of that. So, it's not so 'Pro' after all. But it will do for what I need it for.
If you are looking for a nice hybrid, get this one over a regular iPad. I might use my iPad Air 2 for gaming, it's small and easy to hold for long periods of time unlike this beast lol! There are a lot of options for buying a travel companion, and this is now one of them. I will say this though. For some people, basic will replace their laptops. Power users, don't bother buying for that reason. At least not yet, wait until the next gen. comes out.
Do I like it? Yep, love it. However, I will only be using this with the keyboard. I feel like that is where it belongs. Not to be used as just a tablet, nope...and you've been warned!
Would I recommend it? Scroll back up, and read the paragraph that starts with 'My final thoughts...' Please see my video review as well, thanks for reading and happy Tech buying!
God bless you!
Logi Create keyboard
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