I'm not a top blogger on YouTube, and I don't need to be. Honestly, it's a lot of work to keep my channel going...hard work and dedication are a must. I get 100's of emails daily, really I do...and I try to keep up with them. In some ways, I'm glad I am not as big as some of the other people online, because people are always gunning for you...and they shoot to kill. I'm happy with where I am online right now, and enjoying every moment of this. I'm blessed to be able to do video reviews, and get lots of great things from the funds I receive from YouTube. Some people ask me am I rich or if I'm making lots of money from posting videos. Well the quick answer is NO, I'm not rich and NO I do not make a lot of money from YouTube. I post a video on June 1st about how to start a YouTube channel, and you can watch it below. I will be doing a series every 1st of the month, if time permits.
One thing I have to say to the people that watch reviews online, is they are fun to watch...but that is about it. When you are in the market for a new product, now all you have to do is jump on YouTube, and boom...there it is. I always tell people to not believe, or take everything you see there to heart. What I say in my videos is just my point of view, and it is not law. You may feel completely different about the item, and that is great. It means you have an opinion, which is something we all should have. I will say this, in my videos I will always tell the truth about the item I'm reviewing. I'm kinda happy I'm not being paid by a company, because when that happens you are somewhat not yourself. I am frequently sent accessories for review, and some are great and some are not so great. Last month I was sent a case for review, and it was just horrible. The company didn't want me to post it to the world, but I felt like wow...that's not right. So you can watch it in this post below. But how do you feel about that? I told them that it was not good, and they said hey thank you for not posting it. But is that right? I guess they felt like because it was free, I would just say I liked it. Nope. In another situation, a company sent me a product and it was horrible and overpriced. They too were upset, and wanted me to not post the video. Sadly, if you are wanting to start a channel...there will come a time when companies will want to send you things for review. All I can say is be true to yourself, and it will pay off in the long run. On Amazon the other day, someone called me 'worthless' because they thought I was being paid to review the item in question. Well, they were wrong, I was not getting paid. I have maintained a level of respect for myself, and others. It will not change, and going forward I will continue to be this way with people..even if we are not face to face.
The blogger world can be tricky, and you can easily be sucked into a dark place if you are not careful. What you see in my videos, is just truth...and my personal experience with the things I'm showing you at the time. You will get nothing less from me! So to the people that have been following me for a while, you can count on me to remain the same in my reviews...HONEST. It's that simple. So getting to the top is one of the hardest roads ever, but when you get to my age...you soon realize it's not about getting to the top.
People often ask me about what I've done, or what I do for a living. Well, here it is.
- Graduated high school at 17, nerd in school.
- Went into the military, got hurt while in.
- Medical separation from the Military, now a disabled veteran.
- Went to college and studied Micro Applications and Software
- Got into Law Enforcement
- Joined Riot Control team, got hurt again on the job
- Went back to college
- Became a private investigator, and got bored because there was no action
- Went back to college again, became an executive a large company
- Started doing Tech on YouTube.
I'm a God fearing man, and love to let people know. I've been married for years to my beautiful wife, and I'm father of 4 with 2 granddaughters (which I love so much). I've got a great support line, and I love my family.

My beautiful wife Christina and I.
We've been through lots together, and she is still here right by my side. I guess I'm doing something right, really I must be. She stands by me no matter what I'm trying to do, win or lose she's there. I love her for that. A great wife, friend, and all of the above.
Keep God first, and everything else will take it's place in your life. If you don't know Jesus, you can get to know him. He's the only way you will make it to God...
Matthew 7:7-8
7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
Matthew 19:23-24
Then said Jesus unto his disciples,
Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom
of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go
through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom
of God.
Matthew 19:23-24
Then said Jesus unto his disciples,
Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom
of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go
through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom
of God.
Starting a YouTube channel...
Not posted at the companies request...
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