Welcome to my first update on my Amazon fire phone challenge. This phone has surprised me, it really did!
So I've always been intrigued with the Amazon fire phone, but I just couldn't pull myself to pay $449 for it. So when I got the opportunity to get one I jumped on it fast.

There's a lot of good things that goes into this phone, and the battery is one of them. It may only have a 2400 mAh battery, but it last all day with more than five hours of screen on time. In my day-to-day use I haven't found anything that I dislike about the device, from the great screen to the great battery to the great cameras, I like it all. Handling the phone is very easy, because of the small compact size of the device. The 4.7 inch 720p display does a great job with videos, games, and web browsing. But obviously where this phone shines the most, is Amazon. This phone is geared towards Amazon prime users, or trying to get people to become and stay in Amazon user. Which isn't a bad thing, because there are a lot of perks that come along with that. These past three days have been fantastic, and I feel good about my purchase. This is a very nice phone. But here's a quick video about the device.
Remember, if it's not about #tech, it's not worth talking about.
J. Williams
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