The iPad Pro is nice, but it's not a Pro. We should leave that name to the real pros, laptops and PC's.
After just a short period of time, I realized that I did not like the iPad Pro and I'll tell you why. First let's start with the obvious.
- Size - it was just TOO big to do anything with it. I like to game on my iPad, and with the iPad Pro, I couldn't do this. Also, most of my games did not work. They would simply just close when I tried to open them. I think this is due to the screen size, and developers did have time to prepare. OR, Apple just didn't care. The iPad Pro is just too big, and way too heavy. I bought a keyboard, because without's basically useless. It's just an oversized iPad. When I wanted to game, I had to grab my iPad Air 2.
- Screen - Now while it is very nice, and produces some great's still useless. It doesn't really take advantage of the real-estate. App icons are too far apart, and it just looks silly. Using it for documents was great, however that is where it stopped. I edited docs, and typed reviews on it...that's it.
- Battery - Now after a few charging cycles, I realized Apple was way off the mark with battery. It needed a charge like every other tablet, and didn't last a full weekend like I thought it did at first. Basically, after I broke it in..I saw it's true colors.
- PRICE! - It's just not worth the price. It cost me $1079, plus taxes which came to $1168.01. Add on my Logitech keyboard, and that's another $162.36. My 13 inch MacBook Air cost just $865.99 after taxes at the time of purchase. My current machine, a MacBook Pro 13 inch w/retina cost just under $1300 after taxes. Now you tell me. Is Apple crazy?

Okay, with that being said...please don't say the silly Apple insults, like fanboy or iSheep. Because it applies to you as well, for whatever you are buying. Just be civil. Apple is crazy for this one, but I still wanted to give them a chance. I wanted to find out if the new iPad was in fact, a 'Pro.' So this one is a case closed, it is in fact NOT worth the price.
My final thought on it would be this, BUY A MACBOOK INSTEAD! Case closed!