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Does the color of your phone matter when it comes to battery?
Back at launch I bought the Gold Samsung Galaxy S6, and it looked amazing. However there was one issue, battery was horrible. Why this is so, I don't know. I do know I had to charge the phone at least 2 times in a day, and that's with sync off and little to no usage. So I figured something was wrong, so I sent it back..and got another one. To my surprise, the same thing happened with my second one. Now here is the funny part...I bought a white Galaxy S6, and the battery is GREAT! Tons of battery, and it last at least 1.5 days on a single charge with everything turned on and moderate usage. So I knew there was something was up, and I had to call back into T-Mobile to find out what was going on with this after two devices.
Basically I was told that they were defective, and to just return them. I went into a local store, and asked about the Gold version being in stores. To my surprise, they had them. Both the S6, and the S6 Edge. When I asked about the colors, and if all the colors were having issues with battery I was shocked at the answer I got. I was told that the Gold version was the main one getting returned, because of bad battery issues along with other things. So, after about a week of not having my S6, I remembered how great the battery was on Black Sapphire S6 Edge, and instead of getting another S6...I'd switch to the Edge. Well, I got my Gold S6 Edge, and here are the number from the first charge. To the left is the first charge, and the next picture on the right is the second charge after some use. So you can see, it is getting better. Now that might not seem like much, but that's actually really good. And although they are just an estimates, they are pretty close to real world numbers. So I decided to stick with the Edge, because this was better than the 8/19 hours showing on both of the other ones I had returned. So at the typing of this article, I'm on my 3rd charge...and it just keeps getting better.
Now what does this mean? Nothing, lol...because testing a battery is totally dependent on the usage of the person. I say nothing, so you won't think you will get battery life like me. However, I do believe the Edge has better battery than the S6, because of my own experiences. Both S6 Edge devices I've used, do better on battery than the Gold S6. On the Sapphire Black S6 Edge, I got 2 days on a single charge. It's looking like it will be the same on the Gold S6 Edge. The crazy part is the difference in battery is just 50mAh, amazing right! I've been told that Samsung took some extra steps with the S6 Edge, because of the design. It appears to be true. Here are the numbers from the 3rd charge, and the idle time with no usage. I went to sleep at 100%, and woke up to 84%. That is a lot, but the battery usage numbers seemed to have improved. Right now, I'm happy the battery on the S6 Edge! It is working out for me, because I wanted to Gold color since I could not get the 'nowhere to be found'GREEN!
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge - Non-removable Li-on 2600 mAh battery
Why would the color of a phone matter, when it comes to battery life? Is there something to the design on the Gold color S6? Did Samsung Do things by color of the devices?